Jun 2, 2016 | Art, Auctions, Donations, News & Trending
By now, you’ve probably heard that the brand-new San Francisco Museum of Modern Art opened its doors with appropriate flair and pomp. The museum, now more than twice the size of its previous structure, boasts about 33,000 pieces altogether, reminding us all why San...
May 20, 2016 | Art, Gallery, News & Trending
It’s a monumental week in the arts community. The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, previously closed for two years while the museum underwent massive construction, renovation, and addition, has finally opened its sparkly new doors to the public. Three years and...
Jan 8, 2016 | Art, Gallery, News & Trending
After two years of closed doors and lots of construction, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art is set to reopen in May 2016 with new additions, new exhibits, and beautiful new architecture. With shiny new furnishings and more space for visitors to explore, SFMOMA is...
Nov 16, 2015 | News & Trending
Thomas Weisel, a legendary finance expert and businessman, has turned his efforts toward the artistic—and the philanthropic—in the past several years. Weisel, the co-founder of major bank Montgomery Securities and of Thomas Weisel Partners, has spent the past forty...