Supporting the Arts
Why should you support the arts? Aren’t there better causes to donate to? Well, sure, you could argue that cancer research, fighting homelessness, or any number of other issues are more deserving of your money, but the arts are quite important too. Art is part...
eBay Begins Streaming Sotheby’s Auctions
Art auction houses like Christie’s and Sotheby’s have been appraising and selling fine art for centuries (both were founded way back in the 1700s!). This tradition of art auctioneering has changed tremendously over time, but perhaps the most significant change to the...
Artist Tips and Quips: How to Have a Successful Career in the Arts
Earlier this month, Phaidon released a new book called Akademie X: Lessons in Art + Life, which is described as “A must-read for aspiring arts professionals.” In the book, 36 “tutors” provide unique lessons on how to thrive in the art world. These contributing tutors...
Stress Coping Apps that Actually Work
Stress can be a good thing in small amounts; getting that extra push can be invigorating every once in a while. When it becomes a habit to always be feeling anxious it can cause problems for both your relationships and your body. But there are things that can help,...