2013 was a remarkable year, rich with an abundance of arts and cultural offerings. At Cultivating Culture, we love writing about emerging artists, creative innovations, and the people and organizations that cultivate culture in their communities. Here’s a look back at great artists and cultural happenings in 2013:
Brooklyn Artist Jennie Jones Receives $50K. A painter and sculptor, Ms. Jones is based out of Brooklyn and centers her work on music and “listening as a conceptual practice.” 2013 was a remarkable year for local arts, and Jennie Jones embodies leadership as a cultivator of culture in her community.
Banksy Mural Vanishes in London, Reappears in Miami. From London, to Miami, to New York City, infamous street artist Banksy was bigger than ever in 2013.
#CultivatorsOfCulture: Chris Messina. Technology and art collided greatly in 2013, from the spread of trends in 3D printing, to David Hockney’s iPad paintings, to the formation of NeonMob, an online art collection platform co-created by Chris Messina. Messina, also the creator of the #hashtag, is changing the way art is shared with his team at NeonMob.
Secret Photos Raise Brows in NYC. 2013 was a year where secrecy, public security, and privacy were continuous cultural themes. Here, we wrote about where photography and social issues collided in a controversial photo series by Arne Svenson.
On Violence and Hope: The Met’s Rooftop Garden Hosts Imran Qureshi. In what became one of the most acclaimed exhibitions at the Metropolitan Museum of Art this year, we detailed Imran Qureshi’s incredible “The Rooftop Garden Commission.”
Wadjda: The Film You’ve got to See, By The Director Who’s Making History. 2013 was a landmark year for women in film, both behind the camera and in front of it. When Haifaa Al Mansour became the first woman in Saudi Arabia to create a feature-length film, it became one of the finest cultural moments of the year.
Cultivators of Culture: Candy Chang. Public art really rose to the forefront this year, with women artists in particular taking center stage. We wrote about Lady Pink, Olek, “The Women of the Wall” and one of our favorites: Candy Chang.
Five Artists to Watch in 2014. A roundup of the year’s most exciting arts happenings wouldn’t be complete without a look ahead. After all, art is ever changing, thanks to the innovative, creative visionaries who keep upping the contemporary art ante.
Here’s to another year of inspiring photography, groundbreaking film, nuanced paintings, and more cultural delights! Happy New Year!
Featured Image: via fallenfruit.org