David Shrigley’s “Memorial”

David Shrigley’s “Memorial”

David Shrigley has a reputation for art that is usually a joking riff on everyday themes. Like a pair of rebar lovers coupling on a car hood, or a Darth (Dar) Vader mask with huge googly eyes. But much of his art has meaning just below the surface, like his large...
Wreath Interpretations

Wreath Interpretations

This is the 33rd year of the Parks Department’s Wreath Interpretations Exhibit at the Arsenal in Central Park, and it’s as festive an event as ever. The wreaths you find here are not evergreen and holly. Not even the fake kind. The most “traditional” one...
Thomas Schütte “United Enemies” At Central Park

Thomas Schütte “United Enemies” At Central Park

Bronze monuments are one of the oldest and most traditional forms of public art. It is the most popular metal for cast metal sculptures because it expands just before it sets, filling in every detail of molds. Then, when it cools, it shrinks slightly—which allows it...