Ellsworth Kelly, A Legend Among Artists

Ellsworth Kelly, A Legend Among Artists

Ellsworth Kelly is turning ninety years old. As an artist, that means he’s had plenty of time to create a sizeable collection of work. Painting, sculpture, drawing, posters—none of it falls outside his realm. He’s literally done it all. And no one’s a bigger fan of...
Brooklyn Artist Jennie Jones Receives $50K

Brooklyn Artist Jennie Jones Receives $50K

Jennie Jones probably jumped for joy when she heard this news: The Studio Museum in Harlem is honoring her with its Wein Prize, one of the most prestigious awards in contemporary art today. A painter and sculptor, Ms. Jones is based out of Brooklyn and centers her...
Dzine Nail Art Craze: Fine Art for the Hands

Dzine Nail Art Craze: Fine Art for the Hands

A new trend has caught our eye: 3-D nail art. It’s hard not to notice it these days, when fancy nails are beginning to look like mini works of fine art. Getting your nails done by artists like Carlos Rolon, better known as Dzine, might mean not being able to do...