The Restful Sameness of Niele Toroni

The Restful Sameness of Niele Toroni

There is a restful sameness to all of Niele Toroni’s work, all of it in a style he pioneered and named travaux/pientures. Each painting, be it on stark white canvas or old, yellowed newsprint, is a careful study of the nature of paint and surface, almost...
Coming Soon to the Guggenheim: Doris Salcedo

Coming Soon to the Guggenheim: Doris Salcedo

Beginning Friday, June 26th, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York City will play host to Doris Salcedo’s major collection of 122 works, in a massive exhibit titled Plegaria Muda. With a name that means, approximately, “silent or silenced...
Supporting the Arts

Supporting the Arts

  Why should you support the arts? Aren’t there better causes to donate to? Well, sure, you could argue that cancer research, fighting homelessness, or any number of other issues are more deserving of your money, but the arts are quite important too. Art is part...