If you live in an urban area, chances are you see your fair share of graffiti on a daily basis. Perhaps there are posters adhered with wheat paste to the sides of buildings in your neighborhood, or you pass by colorful murals on your morning commute; maybe a lot of the urban you art you see is nonsensical graffiti tags that you pass by without blinking an eye. How much street art do you notice? How much do you admire?
Residents in Los Angeles have been treated to the work of many street and graffiti artists from around the world; from Space Invader, to Saber, Robbie Conal, Shepard Fairey, and Mr. Brainwash to name a few, there is definitely no shortage of public art in the City of Angels. One artist that has definitely grabbed the attention of LA residents is Morley, a street artist that specializes in a kinder, more accessible approach to public art that has set him apart from his contemporaries.
“Morley is a Los Angeles-based street artist that specializes in bold, typographic posters which he wheatpastes within the urban landscape,” explains the artist’s website. His work is engaging without being aggressive; it’s sweet and inspiring in a relatable, vulnerable kind of way. Explains The Fast Company, “Shortly after the aspiring screenplay writer who calls himself Morley moved from New York to Los Angeles in 2006, he launched a one-man campaign to cheer up random strangers with self-portrait posters featuring messages of encouragement,” of the mission that drives Morley’s work.
Because so many people flock to Los Angeles to try and succeed in the myriad entertainment industries that flourish there, it can be easy to get lost in that kind of consuming, cutthroat culture. Morley wants his art to be an empathetic reminder that everything is going to be okay; his bold words serve as a kindly reassurance, not unlike those from a friend. Explains Morley,
So many people define themselves by what they’ve accomplished or not accomplished. In a big city like L.A. you can spend a lot of time surrounded by hundreds of people yet you feel like an alien or a ghost or something. A big part of this project is me wanting to reach out to people and make them feel less alone.
You can learn more about Morley, his work, and his new book by visiting his website at iammorley.squarespace.com.
Images: official_morley via Instagram.