Murder for Two

“Murder for Two” is playing at the Second Stage Theatre.

We already know that New York City is brimming with opportunities to enjoy entertainment. There are music venues galore, galleries, theaters, and arts events happening constantly, not to mention street performers, festivals, and sporting events. If you’re looking to experience a little bit of off-Broadway entertainment this summer, there’s a play hosted by the Second Stage Theatre you are not going to want to miss.

“Murder For Two,” is a performance that has it all. There’s an element of mystery within the plot, there are a multitude of musical numbers, and of course, it’s got lots of comedy. Written by Joe Kinosian and Kellen Blair and directed by Scott Schwartz, the play features an array of over-the-top characters, including a murder investigator, and a number of eccentric suspects, of which both he and the audience must decide who is guilty. The best part? According to the play’s synopsis, “Murder for Two” has a killer twist: one actor investigates the crime, and the other plays all thirteen suspects, and they both play the piano. Only two actors bring this hilarious play to life, acting as well alternately playing the piano and singing throughout the performance.

The play that is described as a “mix of musical comedy with a dash of Agatha Christie” will not disappoint. In a theatre review for the New York Times, Chris Isherwood describes “Murder for Two” as “an ingenious miniature musical in the form of a snazzy vaudevillian double-act. The authors and the director, Scott Schwartz, deploy minimal stage resources to maximum effect. With just two actors, a piano and a prop or two, the show spins out a curlicued comic mystery story animated by funny, deftly turned songs.” Catching the performance will be a great way to satisfy your want for a fantastic off-Broadway experience this summer.

The comical, energetic duo has delighted audiences and critics in “Murder for Two,” and the play’s success has allowed for extended performances through August 25th. The Second Stage Theatre is committed to providing exposure for new voices in the world of theatre, and “Murder for Two” is a play not to miss out on this summer.

Visit the Second Stage Theatre website for more information about the performance!