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With Food in Mind seeks to create social change by combining food with visual arts and culture.

Not everyone who appreciates art describes it as “delicious,” but maybe they should. At least that’s what With Food In Mind founder Nicole J. Caruth thinks.

With Food In Mind is a non-profit organization based out of Brooklyn, New York, that’s mission is to create social change by combining food with visual arts and culture. Caruth believes that food exists as a great equalizer – something that everyone can relate to, which is what allows it to tie in so wonderfully with art. She says that “Because food is relevant to every living person, we believe that it is uniquely capable of engaging many different audiences in learning about the arts,” which allows for many food and art-based education programs to touch the lives of NYC children. With Food In Mind aims to generate social change by developing drop-in workshops, after-school programs, and other events to cultivate an appreciation of art through food.

This summer, With Food In Mind will be organizing many pop-up workshops throughout the city, teaching children about culture by using food as an educational (and tasty) tool. One of these pop-ups is called “The Fruity Pop Workshop,” which will roam New York City teaching children aged 4-11 about how to make healthy sodas with fruit from their local farmers market. Programs like this one are a realization of Caruth’s vision of creating a harmonious intersection between the arts and food, implementing curricula that involve nutrition, culture, and art.

girl with fresh blueberries

The Fruity Pop Workshop is a pop-up workshop that will teach kids how to make healthy sodas with fresh fruit.
Image: Shutterstock

“The Fruity Pop Workshop,” is a pop-up workshop that seeks to provide children with tools to overcome the childhood obesity epidemic in America. It will teach skills that will inspire children to take health into their own hands using soft drinks as a creative catalyst for change. With Food In Mind explains, “we encourage participants to set up soda stands in their communities, becoming artisans, entrepreneurs, and community changemakers in the process,” using the age-old lemonade stand as inspiration. Pop-up workshop locations will change throughout the rest of August, mostly settling at local markets, and all of them will be free of charge.

For more information about With Food In Mind, and to learn more about “The Fruity Pop Workshop” and other upcoming events, visit its official website.